CH Charalier Dress to the Nines for Charlesworth
Best of Breed at the CC Special Show Rheinlandpfalz
under breed specialist Mr. Mark Sedgwick what gave him the German Crown

                                                                                     photo: Nadine Schiefner

 Charalier Dress to the Nines for Charlesworth

Sweet Benson has joined our gang and we are more than happy that he
can stay for several month here.

Many thanks to his breeder Ms. Jackie Ward and owner
Ms. Gillian Greenall for making it true.

Benson is now Germ and Dutch CH, Winner Amsterdam 2014.

See more under boys

Great start for our puppies
Angel's Pride Zakkary (CH Pascavale Nathan x CH AP Gentle Star)

Winning best baby in Show under judge Mark Sedgwick


Littermate Zergeant Pepper, third place
my friend Nadine handling Zakkary


Littermate Zatisfaction handled by my friend Denise got 4th place

Just waiting for a photo of Ziggy Stardust who got 2nd place

Thanks to my friends for helping to get all these babes in the ring!

Many thanks to Carmen Krausen for the lovely photos!

                                                                                      photo: Monique Janssen

                                                                                      photo: Corinne Beckert

Benson at Nat Show Kassel, Best of Breed under judge Jens Bruse
short listet in the group 9

                                                                                       photo: Sandra Rechtazek

 At CACIB Kassel, CACIB, Best of Breed
under breed-specialist Simone Frankenberg

Winner Amsterdam, CACIB, Best of Breed under judge
Ana Meso Martin
Short listet in the group 9

                                                                                        photo: Pauline Jordens

CACIB Kerstshow Holland, Best of Breed, CACIB
2nd place in the group 9 under judge Pamela Runderkamp

                                                                                      photo: Nadine Schiefner

 CH Angel's Pride Benjamin Button and his super son
Charalier Dress to the Nines for Charlesworth

                                                                                    photo: Nadine Schiefner

Multi CH Angel's Pride Gentleman

photo taken last week, now over 5 years old and still stunning!

                                                                                       photo: Nadine Schiefner

Junior-CH Angel's Pride Kiss me Kate

(CH AP Gentleman x AP Xmas Surprise)

Kate is co-owned with Nadine Schiefner, she was shown very successfully
in 2014:

Junior Winner at the German Winner Leipzig under Anne Fitzpatrick
BundesjugendSieger Dortmund under Rob Samson
German Junior CH, Club and VDH
and many more wins

Angel's Pride Jazz Sensation

(CH AP Ocean's Eleven x AP Zukie)

Several times Best Baby in Show

Now second place Puppy Bitches at the Joint CC Show UK

under Mrs. Anita Goodwin  UK

Angel's Pride Kasanova

(CH AP Gentleman x AP Xmas Surprise)

First Show out, Best Puppy Male at the Joint Cavalier Club Show UK
under judge Mrs. Sandra Ireland-Moger UK

Our Star is back in Germany

CH Angel's Pride Gentleman

Unser liebster Junge ist zurück. Wir sind super happy.

Ganz ganz lieben Dank an Wendy Waters für die tolle Präsentation

in England. Milow erhielt den Englischen Champion-Titel und wurde

3-Bester Cavalier nach Punkten im Englischen Cavalier Club UK für das Jahr 2012.

2-Bester Blenheim nach Punkten Cavalier Club UK für das Jahr 2012.

Insgesamt erhielt er in UK 4 CCs + 4 BOBs + 2 ResCCs.

Ein herzliches Dank an die Richter, die Milow's Qualitäten honoriert haben.

Super Milow ist der Vater zu UK's Cavalier Puppy of the Year 2013

Wandris Evan Elp'Us

Ein besonders Highlight war der Abschluss auf der wichtigen
UK Parent Club-Show in diesem Jahr, auf der Milow nochmals
ganz nach vorne kam. Res CC von fast 180 Rüden.

Judging-Critique Geoffrey Porter:

Glorious Conker red Blen whose head and eyes are the epitome of breedtype for me.
His expression so soft and appealing, nothing overdone,
sparkling dark eyes and his ears frame his face so well.
Short compact body with adequate neck, well set down hocks and
a tail that comes straight off his back.
He was expertly presented and showed steadily to win the RCC in hot competition today.


The total Best of

We finished one more UK Champion
in the UK
CH Angel's Pride Gentleman
BIS at the Parent Cub Show UK

Milow and Wendy at LKA

Thank you Wendy for showing him so lovely x

We are very proud of our super Stud-Dogs

                                                                                                                by Nadine Schiefner

Angel's Pride Benjamin Button, Emerald, Ocean's Eleven

They have sired a high number of quality offspring, winning world-wide


                                                                                            by Nadine Schiefner

   by Nadine Schiefner

Our super boy CH Angel's Pride Benjamin Button

who is siring most beautiful puppies here, in the UK and oversea