CH Angel's Pride Gentle Maid
is in the AKC-Cavalier-List the number 1 bitch all system, 
both breed and group.

She won Best Opposite at the Eukanuba Show 2012
and much more.

We are very proud of 'Maddy' and send 'Many Congratulations'
to her owners Debbie Uren, Johann und Roxanne Emedi!

USA Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club Indianapolis

Conny and Angel's Pride Jane Austin

Angel's Pride Jane Austin

(Angel's Pride Benjamin Button x Angel's Pride Xanthippe)

Out of puppy-bitch 'Jana' got the  Best in Show
under judge Frank Kane, UK (the voice of Crufts)
(Entry 84)

'Janna' is loved and owned by Conny Hansen.
Very well done Conny, we are so proud of you both!



AKC and Grand-Ch. Angel's Pride Gentle Maid

(Ch. Maibee Make Believe x Angel's Pride Anastacia)

Loved and owned by Debie Uren and Johann Emedi!

Ch. Angel's Pride Walking on the Moon

(Ch. Timsar Fortune Seeker x Angel's Pride It's Love Devine)

stop press - stop press - stop press

Teddy finished his AKC-Championship as well and went on to take
Best of Bred on June 26th at the Oaklahoma Summer-Classic in Oklahoma-City
under judge Edd Biven

Just 12 month old

Teddy with Johann and judge Norman Patton

National AKC
Puppy Sweepstakes
Class-Winner under breeder-judge Patty Kanan

"Teddy" is owned by Victoria Gardner of Lizmere-Cavaliers
and shown by my friends Johann and Roxanne Emedi!


Ch. Angel's Pride Mini Cooper

(Ch. Rytonion Morris Minor x Korraine's Marina)

11 x BOB, 1 x Group 4

Cooper is loved and owned by Sabine Gregory, USA


CH. Angel's Pride Tia Maria
(Sanickro Comotion x Angel's Pride Goblin Girl)

Tia is loved and owned by Johann & Roxanne Emedi and Debbi Uren.


Angel's Pride Graffiti-Girl "Stella"
(Ch. Pamedna Waterloo x Crown Hunter Opium)

Stella with her owner Alice Dunn and judge Mandy Mulligan

Her show-results:

Cavaliers of the Midwest in Indianapolis 2002:

July 26th: Stella took 1st Place Puppy Sweeps
under Karin Ostmann (Sheeba)

July 27th: 1st Place Sr. Puppy Bitch under
Judge Mandy Mulligan (Nightingale)

July 28th: 1st Place under
Judge Jocelyn Inman (Chamanic, UK)

Cavaliers of the Midwest in Indianapolis 2003:

July 26th: 1st Place Special Limit Tri-Bitch
under Judge Veronica Hull (Telvara, UK)

The Highlight was 27th of july when Stella got 1st place
in Special Limit-Tri-Bitch and ResWinnersBitch
under breedspecialist Chris Dix (Beewye, UK)!!!


Stella hier mit Ihrer Besitzerin Alice Dunn und 
Richterin Mandy Mulligan (Nightingale-Cavs).

Stella wurde in 2002 und auch in diesem
Jahr erfolgreich von Alice ausgestellt:
avaliers of the Midwest in Indianapolis 2002:

26. Juli: 1. Platz Puppy Sweeps unter
Richterin Karin Ostmann (Sheeba-Cavs)

27. Juli: 1. Platz Senior-Puppy-Bitch unter
Richterin Mandy Mulligan (Nightingale-Cavs)

28. Juli: 1. Platz unter Richterin
Jocelyn Inman (Chamanic-Cavs, UK)

Cavaliers of the Midwest in Indianapolis 2003:

26. Juli: 1. Platz Special-Limit-Tri-Bitch
unter Veronica Hull (Telvara-Cavs, UK)

Stella´s Highlight war am 27. Juli, als sie bei
Rassespezialistin Chris Dix (Beewye-Cavs, UK)
den 1. Platz in Ihrer Klasse macht und
ResWinnersBitch wird unter starker Konkurrenz!!


Stella is loved and owned by
Alice Dunn and we couldn't found 
a better home for her!!!!!

Wir sind sehr stolz auf diese hübsche
Tricolour-Hündin und freuen uns mit Alice!!!!!!!!


     Our next AKC-Champion:

Unser nächster AKC-Champion:    

AKC Champion Angel's Pride Love-Story "Olivia"

Olivia is the litter sister to
Angel's Pride Love me do
and Latin Lover.

Congratulations Debby,
Johann and Roxanne

Olivia ist die Wurfschwester zu
Angel's Pride Love me Do und
Angel's Pride Latin Lover.

Wir gratulieren Debbie, Johann
und Roxanne herzlich!!!!



Angel's Pride Nutcracker-Girl

Angel´s Pride Nutcracker-Girl
(14 months old)
is AKC-Champion!!!!!!!

Congratulations to Jo Anne Mittelman!!

Angel's Pride Nutcracker-Girl
(14 Monate alt)
ist AKC-Champion!!!!!!!

Glückwunsch an Jo Anne Mittelman!!


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